polyzero.h File Reference

Detailed Description

polynomial zero-finding support functions.

This file contains helper routines to polynomial roots-solving.

Michael Roy tika1966@yahoo.com
See also:
class Polynomial

Definition in file polyzero.h.

#include "polynomial.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


template<class T, class U, class V>
bool newtonZero (const Polynomial< T > &p, U &z, U &pz, V &mpz, bool adaptive=false)
template<class T>
int removeNullZeros (Polynomial< T > &p)
template<class T>
cauchyLowerBound (const Polynomial< T > &p, const T &upperBound=T(0))
template<class T>
cauchyUpperBound (const Polynomial< T > &p)
template<class T>
zerosGeometricMean (const Polynomial< T > &p)
template<class T>
zerosGeometricMean (const Polynomial< std::complex< T > > &p)
template<class T>
void sortZeros (std::vector< std::complex< T > > &zeros)
template<class T>
solveDegree1 (const T &a, const T &b)
template<class T, class U>
void solveDegree2 (const T &a, const T &b, const T &c, U &z1, U &z2)

Generated on Mon Aug 21 21:00:38 2006 for The Polynomials Templates Library by  doxygen 1.4.5